A Sangha is a community of resistance, resisting the speed, violence, and unwholesome ways of living that are prevalent in our society.
— Thich Nhat Hanh

Welcome to Pacific Northwest Meditation! We believe that practicing meditation and mindfulness together can help us connect more fully to a multitude of  shared human experiences, and help us view ourselves and others in new ways.

We welcome and learn from all races, ethnicities, cultures, physical/cognitive abilities, ages, genders and identities. PNWM endeavors to be an anti-racist and accessible community that removes barriers to engagement.

Join us in the practice and the Path.

Saturday Sangha

Every week, In-Person & Online

Meditation & Dharma Talk

Offered by diverse teachers from various Buddhist traditions

During this time, we are called to return to our place of practice more than ever. We return to our community of like-minded friends to recall our inner and outer resources, cultivating mindfulness and lovingkindness for the possibility of peace and liberation.

Join us for Saturday Sangha. Our teachers will offer a meditation and Dharma Talk.

See below for more details about how to join Saturday Sangha.

meditation. wisdom teachings. community.

We welcome and learn from all races, ethnicities, cultures, physical and cognitive abilities, ages, genders and identities.

We are committed to supporting you in your discovery of the universal truths in ways that make sense to you. We believe the teachings should be relevant to today’s time; presented in a down to earth way that allows you to decide for yourself how deep you want to go.

Join us for mindfulness meditation and the wisdom teachings dedicated to well-being and freedom for all.

Pacific Northwest Meditation - Saturday Sangha

TIME: Every Saturday at 4:30PM PT

LOCATION*: 4312 SE Stark St, Portland OR 97215


100% DONATION BASE : Give what you can  

We accept Zelle Quickpay: pnwmcommunity@gmail.com. Cash donations are accepted at the door.

*Meet at Multnomah Friends Meeting House located on Stark Street (SE Portland). Follow our signs at the door to find our space. It is a fully accessible building, with street parking out front. Please remember to refrain from wearing scents to this gathering for those with chemical sensitivities. There is a separate garden and other rooms for those with neurodiversity who may need a quiet space.

Social Hour in the cafeteria following the group practice. You can bring a dish, a snack or drinks to contribute if you are able to. We’d love to know you!


Affinity Group

What is NeuroSangha ?

A space for neurodiverse folk to connect online through mindfulness, in ways respectful of our different manners of thinking and being. We embrace and respect a wide variety of neurodivergence and aim to be a refuge for brains that work differently from what society expects.

The group meets on Zoom every 2nd and 4th Tuesdays @ 6:30PM PT. Typical meetings include two non-guided 10-minute meditations (need not be sitting), sharing our meditation experience, and exploring different meditation practices. If you’re interested or want more information, click here.

NEUROSANGHA - Affinity Group


TIME: 2nd & 4th Tuesdays @ 6:30PM PT

Meeting Online via Zoom

Wisdom teachings in many voices.

  • Trina Truong

    Core Teacher

    Trina was raised in a Buddhist family in Vietnam. She brings together the Mahayana with Theravada traditions in her practice. She has studied under Thich Nhat Hanh Plum Village Tradition, Bhante Guanaratana, and Master Sheng Yen Dharma Drum Mountain Buddhist Association. She has sat for over 100 days in retreat. Trina is a Qualified Teacher of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Level 1. She has trained extensively in trauma-sensitive mindfulness and in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.


  • Candle Summers

    Core Teacher

    Candle has practiced meditation for over 40 years with her root teachers Kamala Masters and Steve Armstrong. She completed Spirit Rock’s two year Community Dharma Leader program in 2001. Her Theravadan background includes the teachings of Anagarika Munidra, Sayadaws U Pandita and U Tejaniya, Gil Fronsdal, Mark Nunberg, and more. Candle offers a monthly Insight Metta meditation on Mondays.


  • Alpesh Parikh

    Guest Teacher

    Alpesh first started his mindfulness practice in 1991 outside of Mumbai with S.N. Goenka in Vipassana meditation. Al has since done retreats and trainings in mindfulness meditation, including the 2 year Mindfulness Teacher training with Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach. He offers a number of training programs incorporating basic and advanced practices of mindfulness in a workplace or community setting.


Join us for mindfulness meditation and the teachings of the Buddha, dedicated to well-being and freedom from suffering for all in a diverse, inclusive community devoted to the liberation of all beings.

Our Leadership Sangha welcomes you.